
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin. X-ray analysis of biomolecules

Dorothy Crowfoot was born to an English family of archeologists and spent her childhood in Egypt, participating in the excavations of the ancient town of Jarash.

The day the cash register was invented

What gave rise to the idea of creating a machine to record sales and print out receipts?

Inventions that changed the world. X-rays

The discovery of X-rays revolutionized medicine. And this discovery was made by the German physicist Wilhelm Röntgen almost by accident.

Bette Nesmith Graham. Correction liquid

In 1951 a young single mother Bette Nesmith got a job as a secretary at Texas Bank.

Inventions that changed the world. Light bulb

On October 21, 1879 American inventor Tomas Edison tested one of the most important inventions of the XIX century - the electric light bulb.

Belarus has become a member of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs

On July 19, 2021, the Republic of Belarus became a member of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

The Birthday of Chewing Gum

On September 23, the world celebrates the birthday of chewing gum.

Inventions that changed the world. Helicopter

On September 29, 1907 the first vertical flight took place.

For the first time ever, representatives from Belarus will participate in the International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI)

The 17th International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI) will be held online from September 1 to October 31, 2021 at the headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan.

August 25 - Birthday of the Tin Can

The first tin cans looked like metal boxes, weighed about half a kilo and had to be opened with a chisel and a hammer.