Obtaining a Eurasian patent

Representation of applicants before the Eurasian Patent Office may be undertaken only by certified Eurasian patent attorneys.

Eurasian patent attorneys of LEXPATENT render services on all aspects involving the obtaining of the Eurasian patent, and also ensure the implementation and protection of exclusive rights given by the Eurasian patent in the territory of member States  of the Eurasian Patent Convention. Our work related to obtaining a Eurasian patent for an invention includes:

  • making sure your inventive subject-matter qualifies for patent protection,
  • developing a strategy for the acquisition, Implementation and protection of exclusive rights to such inventive subject-matter,
  • doing a thorough patent search to find similar patents or those patents that are closest to the supposed invention,
  • preparing the description and claims of the invention,
  • preparing all of the documentation related to the Eurasian patent application and  filing the application with the Eurasian Patent Office on paper or in electronic form, 

The documents and particulars required for filing a Eurasian patent application:

  • the name and address of a person(s) who seeks a patent; full information relating to a person(s) who seeks a patent;
  • the full name and address of the inventor (co-inventors) of the invention;
  • the description and claims of the invention;
  • the drawings and other materials, if they are necessary for understanding the essence of the invention;
  • the abstract;
  • the document attesting payment of the prescribed fees;
  • the power of attorney.
  • keeping records with the Eurasian Patent Office until the patent has been received,
  • monitoring all the time limits specified by law, which relate to the processing of any application for the grant of a patent,
  • monitoring the time limits for paying annuities to keep in force Eurasian patents,
  • providing expert advice to the applicant/right holder  throughout the entire term of the patent validity, starting from the time the patentable solution has been identified.

Our services also include:

  • developing and implementing a strategy for the acquisition of legal protection of inventions/utility models in other countries of the world (foreign patenting), including the choice of foreign representatives,
  • conducting a freedom to operate analysis,
  • preparing agreements on the grant of rights to use the invention/utility model  (licensing agreement), assignment of rights to the patent (agreement on assignment of exclusive rights),  and their recordal with the Eurasian Patent Office or the National Center of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Belarus,  
  • representing the interests of the client in proceedings before the  Appeal Board  of the National Center of Intellectual Property, which deal with complaints against the examination decisions, objections made against the grant of the patent, including objections against the grant of the Eurasian patent,
  • making conclusions on infringement of invention patents,
  • settling disputes related to invention  patent infringement out of court,
  • representing the interests of the client in proceedings before the  Judicial Collegium on Intellectual Property Cases of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus, including complaints against the decisions of the patent authority and disputes in connection  with violation  of exclusive rights of the patent holder,
  • representing the interests of the client in  administrative and criminal proceedings related to the use of protected industrial property objects.